Fruit is meant to be a good part of a balanced diet, so even if you do end up spending a few bucks more on your favorite fruit, at least it's for a worthy cause.
View moreAt the Lost Gardens of Heligan in the United Kingdom, you will find pineapples grown in mud structures heated with rotting manure.
View moreOn the plus side, at least the legacy of these pineapples will make us appreciate the lowly cost of our standard Dole pineapples at the grocery store!
View moreTennis is an Olympic sport and is played at all levels of society and at all ages.
View moreTwo exceptions are that from 1908 to 1961 the server had to keep one foot on the ground at all times, and the adoption of the tiebreak in the 1970s.
View moreSam Walton was a businessman and former employee at JCPenny.
View moreIt is estimated that approximately 18% of the food stamps used in the United States are spent at Walmart.
View moreApproximately 44% of the population in the United States shop at Walmart each year.
View moreA CEO at Walmart makes approximately 1,034 times more money than an average Walmart employee.
View moreThe instructions in a 32 bit CPU are good at handling data that is 32 bits in size (most instructions "think" in 32 bits in a 32 bit CPU).
View moreLikewise, a 64 bit CPU is good at handling data that is 64 bits in size (and often good at handling 32 bit data too).
View moreA staggering seventy-five Airbnb hosts make at least a million dollars a year by renting out their properties.
View moreOur solar system orbits the center of the Milky Way Galaxy at about 515,000 mph (828,000 kph).
View moreThe four giant planets, and at least one asteroid, have rings.
View moreIt was designed to be at least three times the height of a man.
View moreThere are also robots that help at home, to vacuum or run a lawn mower, for example.
View moreThe first Arab recipe books describe its use in the preparation of various dishes, and even in the fables of The Arabian Nights we can find it served at marvellous banquets.
View moreLive tuna auctions are the main attraction, which take place every morning at 5 am sharp.
View moreThis is a major tourist attraction and free visitor tickets are given to the public every morning at 4 am.
View moreTourists can take advantage of tax free shopping, which is available to foreign tourists at licensed stores when making purchases of over 5000 yen.
View moreThe World Wide Web was created at CERN in Switzerland in 1990 by a British (UK) scientist named Tim Berners-Lee.
View moreSprite picked up popularity with teenagers in the 1980's after several advertising campaigns targeted at teenagers.
View moreIn the 1990's, Sprite launched the 'Jooky' ad campaign, which poked fun at other soft drinks and their lack of authenticity and bandwagon-driven style of advertising, foremost among the competitive soft drinks mocked was Pepsi.
View moreBeing able to calculate many times per second allows modern computers to multitask, which means they can do many different tasks at the same time.
View moreMost people have used a personal computer in their home or at work.
View moreToday we're here to look at 25 amazing facts about this undeniably successful and impressive piece of software.
View moreWhilst at Apple, Andy was given the name for his love of robots.
View moreAt CES 2011 Android 3.0 Honeycomb was debuted on the Motorola XOOM.
View moreWith tens of millions of people using it, they can't be doing too badly for themselves over at Google!
View moreOf course if you are an Apple fan that is completely understandable, just look at their user base they must be doing something right as well!
View moreAlthough slavery was legal in Kentucky at that time, Lincoln's father, who was a religious Baptist, refused to own any slaves.
View moreThe BepiColombo spacecraft is planned to arrive at Mercury in 2025.
View moreAt the age of 28, he was working on designing code for an online auction website originally called Auction Web.
View moreAt the time, Coppard was working with The Natural History Museum in London and was able to confirm from the photo uploaded that the species was unidentified, making it a new discovery of sea urchin that he named Coelopleurus exquisitus.
View moreThere is no limit to the amount of items that can be for sale at once.
View moreThe exact number of items that can be listed on eBay at once before the server's crash is unclear.
View moreBut the record for the most items listed, collectively form multiple sellers at one given time was 800 million items.
View moreSpring dish gained immense popularity at the time of Tang and Song dynasty rule and in this period the dish was better known as five spice dish because of its hot and spicy flavor.
View moreGradually, at the time of Ming and Qing dynasties, the cake got transformed to rolls and the name changed from spring dish to spring rolls.
View moreSo excited at realising the importance of this he shouted “Eureka” and rushed out into the street unclothed.
View moreHe was educated at Alexandria, Egypt – famed for its knowledge and learning.
View moreMilk is boiled at a high temperature before the curds and liquid whey is separated, and rennet (an enzyme found in the stomach of mammals) is added.
View moreWith travel to Bali Indonesia at an all time high so comes the need for information.
View moreThat's where we come in at Nothing Familiar!
View moreJust unveiled in 2018, the Garuda Wisnu statue stands at a towering 396 feet (120 meters) and took over 20 years to build!
View moreThe massive sculpture pictures Lord Vishnu riding the mythical bird Garuda, and can be seen for miles at different points on the island.
View moreAt places like Tirta Empul you can bath in holy water, or even walk on water at the koi fish pond!
View moreGrid's computer was one fifth the weight of any other computer used at that time.
View moreWhen you withdraw cash from an ATM, scan groceries at the store, or use a calculator, you're using a type of computer.
View moreMany people use desktop computers at work, home, and school.
View moreFor example, whenever you use the Internet, you're looking at something that's stored on a server.
View moreIt's actually accurate, in most cases at least!
View moreHowever they can also be called a "glaring of cats" if the cats you're referring to don't know each other and are glaring at each other.
View morePhysically, at least, their brains are about 90% similar to ours.
View moreThe record is held by a Burmese cat called Tarawood Antigone, who was just four years old at the time.
View moreMany otter species are at risk of becoming extinct.
View moreA lot of species of otters were once at risk of becoming extinct due to their highly sought-after fur.
View moreWhile the practice of hunting otters is no longer a common practice, they're still at risk.
View moreAs the world becomes more and more polluted otter populations become more and more at risk.
View moreThese fuzzy little guys are unfortunately at risk though, so if you're feeling inspired by these facts go and read more into them, and see what you can do to help!
View moreAt dusk, they come out to graze on grass.
View more2g phones transmit data at about the same speed as a 56kbit/s (Kilobits per second) dial-up modem would get.
View moreHere we're going to look at 15 fun and interesting facts about the world of drones.
View moreIn 1916, the first attempt at a powered UAV was the "Aerial Target".
View moreIt comprises a grid of streets with one axis parallel to the river and the other axis of streets and alleys set at right angles to it.
View moreSomeone who owes more money than he or she can pay all at once is said to be "carrying debt".
View moreAngkor includes the famous Temple of Angkor Wat and, at Angkor Thom, the Bayon Temple with its countless sculptural decorations.
View moreHorses are beautiful creatures to look at, and thousands of fanatics enjoy riding them or showing them every year.
View moreHowever, the oldest domestic horse on record was Old Billy, who died at the age of 62.
View moreA group of horses will not go to sleep at the same time - at least one of them will stay awake to watch out for the others.
View moreWhen a horse gallops, all four hooves are off the ground at one point.
View moreHe stood at a staggering 21.2 hands high.
View moreHere we're going to look at the top 30 interesting facts about eagles.
View moreJupiter has at least 67 moons.
View moreThis happens at the equilibrium market price.
View moreThis is particularly the case for those in at-risk groups or with disabilities.
View moreRecent estimates of his wealth put it at US$84.2 billion (Jan.2017);
View moreIn recent years he has retired from working full time at Microsoft, and has instead concentrated on working with his charitable foundation "The Bill and Melinda gates Foundation.".
View moreIn 1973, Gates enrolled at Harvard, where he studied mathematics and computer science.
View moreDespite Albert's independent learning, he languished at school.
View moreAt college, he met a fellow student Mileva Maric, and after a long friendship, they married in 1903;
View moreWhile working at the Patent Office, Einstein continued his own scientific discoveries and began radical experiments to consider the nature of light and space.
View moreThe oil must be clean and maintained at a constant temperature of 365 F/185 C for the crispiest fish and chips.
View moreWhen journalists at the time asked soldiers why they were willing to fight in the war, the typical response was "for mom and apple pie".
View moreAt the time of his death in 2012, he was the third richest man in Thailand.
View moreVisit Chinatown in Bangkok for the culture but stay for some of the best cuisine in the city, and goods and souvenirs at some of the cheapest prices.
View moreSaturn is an oblate spheroid, meaning that it is flattened at the poles, and it swells out around its equator.
View moreThey have few sweat glands so they wisely tend to conserve their energy by resting during the day and become more active at night when it is cooler.
View moreThis gives them a distinct advantage over some prey species when hunting at night.
View moreIt is a video of its co-founder at the San Diego Zoo.
View moreYouTube opened a production space in Los Angeles that is free to use - but only if you have at least 10,000 subscribers.
View moreAt the height of Rickrolling which was 2008, over 18 million US.
View moreIt is located on the island of Luzon and spreads along the eastern shore of Manila Bay at the mouth of the Pasig River.
View moreAt least soon after the year 1300.
View moreThey also have popular desserts such as "Khao Niao Mamuang" or mango sticky rice made with a bed of sticky rice at the bottom with a fresh mango cut into slices on top and finished off with a drizzle of sweet coconut milk;
View moreThese foods are usually served as a small portion, just enough for one at a very low price.
View moreIn general, the more money you make, the more disposable income you will have (although you are also taxed at a higher rate).
View moreCheetahs require large areas of land for survival, so increased human settlements and road construction in their habitat puts them at risk.
View moreAt high levels of play, the sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, strength, speed, and precision.
View moreStaying at home is more leisure yet less income.
View moreThey also have popular desserts such as "Khao Niao Mamuang" or mango sticky rice made with a bed of sticky rice at the bottom with a fresh mango cut into slices on top and finished off with a drizzle of sweet coconut milk;
View moreIt's estimated that posts that include at least one hashtag gain 12.6% more engagement.
View moreAt the time of its purchase, there were only 30 million users on the platform.
View moreThere are at least 1 million advertisers on Instagram.
View moreAll this, whilst allowing you to look anywhere in the world at any point in time, and yet you will still always go straight to your street first.
View moreGoogle often settles many arguments in my house and here we are going to look at some mind-boggling facts that will make you want to work, use and learn about Google even more!
View moreAs of 2009, at their Mountain View headquarters, Google rented 200 goats to mow their lawns as a low-carbon alternative from California Grazing.
View moreGoogle's new employees are known as Nooglers, they are required to wear blue, yellow and red hats at their first company-wide meeting.
View moreGoogle acquire a new company each week on average, obtaining YouTube over meetings at Denny's in 2006 for $1.65 billion.
View moreOver the last few decades they've been at the forefront of technological development and innovation with mind-blowing TVs and unprecedented smartphones.
View moreHere we're going to look at 30 facts about the electronics superstar, Samsung.
View moreSamsung are always at the forefront of technology.
View moreAt one point following the release of the Samsung S3 sales reached 500 units a minute.
View moreLet's take a look at the cold, hard facts.
View moreAlthough confusing at first, the naming of the site after the mountain it rests besides actually makes more sense than you'd expect.
View moreIf they had, it's safe to say that there wouldn't be much left to marvel at anymore.
View moreJack Dorsey posted the first tweet at 9:50pm and it read, "just setting up my twttr.".
View moreDuring one conference in 2007, around 60,000 tweets per day were being posted on Twitter, which proved too much for the servers to handle at the time.
View moreIn March 2014 at the Oscars, Ellen DeGeneres took a selfie which became the most retweeted tweet ever.
View moreAt the time of the Spanish invasion there were several thousand of these virgins, otherwise known as Chosen Ones, who were kept in temple like convents.
View moreThese plates as they are called move in all sorts of directions and at different speeds too.
View moreEnjoy a spot of samba dancing with your partner, or if you're a seeker of thrills, go hang gliding at Pedra da Gávea.
View moreFinally, at number 1 is those guys over at Koenigsegg.
View moreAt the time, it was known as Amstelredam rather than Amsterdam.
View moreFor example, when you're standing on the corner of Reguliersgracht and Herengracht you can see 15 bridges at the same time!
View moreA thief took $28 million worth of gems in 2007 after gaining the guards trust at an Antwerp Bank by repeatedly offering them chocolate.
View moreOn 6th December during the feast of St.Nicholas, children in Holland put their clogs outside at night so Santa Claus can fill them with chocolate money.
View moreFirst, we have to look at the pioneers in this automotive field, pushing the boundaries, trying to reach an otherwise impossible dream.
View moreAs with all futuristic ideas, the time at which those in the past thought the technology would exist was way off, like Back To The Future's predictions of hoverboards in 2015, Norman Bel Geddes in the 1930s thought the 1960s would be the era for the automated car, this was sadly not the case.
View moreEUREKA also started the first real project aimed at creating autonomous vehicles from 1987 to 1995, it was called the Prometheus Project.
View moreIn 1987 with the ALV, HRL Labs displayed the first off-road map and sensor-based autonomous navigation going 2,000+ feet at 1.9 mph on difficult terrain.
View moreIt was played at the West of Scotland Cricket Club.
View moreThey're a popular snack at the cinema or on a picnic, and they're always there for you when you need that sugar rush.
View moreBottomless M&M's at Google.
View moreEmployees at Google in 2012 were given access to unlimited numbers of M&M's while at work.
View morePerhaps a seemingly easy task at first, Grier only had one day in which to distribute the chocolate.
View moreBitcoins may sound a bit farcical at first, but it's actually a real currency used to buy real things.
View moreAustralia is an island, and it's a large island at that.
View moreOur solar system orbits the center of the Milky Way Galaxy at about 515,000 mph (828,000 kph).
View moreAt first glance, Bitcoin may sound confusing, however below are ten facts that will truly explain in layman's terms what exactly bitcoin is and how it came to be.
View moreYeah, most people think too so at first.
View moreIf you look at a dollar bill, you know that it is simply a piece of paper with a number on it and some fancy pictures saying that it is "worth" $1.
View moreLive tuna auctions are the main attraction, which take place every morning at 5 am sharp.
View moreThis is a major tourist attraction and free visitor tickets are given to the public every morning at 4 am.
View moreThe World Wide Web was created at CERN in Switzerland in 1990 by a British (UK) scientist named Tim Berners-Lee.
View moreAlthough slavery was legal in Kentucky at that time, Lincoln's father, who was a religious Baptist, refused to own any slaves.
View moreThe BepiColombo spacecraft is planned to arrive at Mercury in 2025.
View moreSo excited at realising the importance of this he shouted "Eureka" and rushed out into the street unclothed.
View moreHe was educated at Alexandria, Egypt - famed for its knowledge and learning.
View more2g phones transmit data at about the same speed as a 56kbit/s (Kilobits per second) dial-up modem would get.
View moreHere we're going to look at 15 fun and interesting facts about the world of drones.
View moreAngkor includes the famous Temple of Angkor Wat and, at Angkor Thom, the Bayon Temple with its countless sculptural decorations.
View moreIn recent years he has retired from working full time at Microsoft, and has instead concentrated on working with his charitable foundation "The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.".
View moreIn 1973, Gates enrolled at Harvard, where he studied mathematics and computer science.
View moreAt college, he met a fellow student Mileva Maric, and after a long friendship, they married in 1903;
View moreVisit Chinatown in Bangkok for the culture but stay for some of the best cuisine in the city, and goods and souvenirs at some of the cheapest prices.
View moreIt is located on the island of Luzon and spreads along the eastern shore of Manila Bay at the mouth of the Pasig River.
View moreThe city got its city rights probably in 1306, at least soon after the year 1300.
View moreBadminton made its Olympic debut at the 1992 games, and it was seen on television by over 1.1 billion people.
View moreAn estimate by the OECD put the number of people in the city area of Rome at 3.47 million.
View moreThe meaning of the term has evolved to mean a stored-program computer in which an instruction fetch and a data operation cannot occur at the same time because they share a common bus.
View moreThe phrase "rule of thumb" derives from the fact that brewers would use their thumb to determine if the liquid was at ideal temperature to add yeast.
View more80-proof vodka freezes at -27°C.
View moreAt the time, beer was often safer and cleaner to drink.
View moreFog is a visible aerosol consisting of tiny water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth's surface.
View moreFog normally occurs at a relative humidity near 100%.
View moreHowever, fog can form at lower humidities, and can sometimes fail to form with relative humidity at 100%.
View moreAt 100% relative humidity, the air cannot hold additional moisture, thus, the air will become supersaturated if additional moisture is added.
View moreDrizzle becomes freezing drizzle when the temperature at the surface drops below the freezing point.
View moreTwitter is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 300 million active users logging in at least once a month.
View moreAt first, there were doubts around whether the hashtag would ever become popular with internet users, since it appeared too technical and "nerdy.".
View moreThe UK Food Standards Agency recommends that at least two portions of seafood should be consumed each week, one of which should be oil-rich.
View moreFindings in a sea cave at Pinnacle Point in South Africa indicate Homo sapiens (modern humans) harvested marine life as early as 165,000 years ago.
View moreEarly examples of permanent settlements, such as those at Lepenski Vir, were almost always associated with fishing as a major source of food.
View moreThe perishable food storage usually maintains the temperature at 37 to 41 degrees F or 3 to 5 degrees C .
View moreThe popular fridge used by the households has the fridge at the bottom part and freezer at the top part.
View moreThis e-reader also contains a magnifying glass to read in a larger font, a backlight to read at night and an audio player to read with an electronic voice.
View moreAt that time, a baguette was an expensive dish, which was only served to the upper class or French, because wheat could not be planted in Vietnam due to the tropical weather and imported wheat flour was very expensive.
View moreThe bánh mì is typically eaten at breakfast, usually considered to be too dry for dinner but is often also eaten as a light snack.
View moreNext time you look at a peacock, here are some fun & feathery facts which will make you even more amazed than before!
View moreWhile peacocks are not considered an endangered species at the moment, the Congo peafowl in particular has been listed as vulnerable.
View moreA peahen can lay up to six eggs at a time, although there have been occasional cases of even more.
View moreAlthough many people get a chill through their spine at the very mention of the word pickles, Koreans have found a way to make fermented pickled vegetables interesting, tasty and titillating.
View moreTo earn a living, Marilyn took a job at a local munitions factory in Burbank, California.
View morePhotographer David Conover was covering the munitions factory to show women at work for the War effort.
View moreHer favourite poets were Walt Whitman and John Keats, and she also studied literature at UCLA.
View moreGrab reached out directly to taxi drivers by signing them up at airports, hawker centres, taxi queues, and depots.
View moreTaking inspiration from Garrett Camp's ride sharing concept, Anthony decided to take this problem up as a project while studying at Harvard Business School.
View moreThe project won second place at the Business Plan Contest at Harvard Business School.
View moreThe app was also selected as the finalist at Harvard's Minimum Viable Product Funding award.
View moreRabbits start breeding at an early age, when they are three to four months old!
View moreAmsterdam has city poets who will write and read a poem at your funeral.
View moreFor the unclaimed dead, a city poet is hired to find out as much as possible about the person, and they then write up a poem about them and recite it at their funeral.
View moreThe smallest house façade in the entire world is in Amsterdam at Het Singel 7.
View moreMany of the houses have smaller windows at their top, which gives the optical illusion of the house being taller - which acted as a status symbol of wealth back in the day.
View moreFor those eagle-eyed observers, you will also notice how many of the thin canal-front houses have hooks at their tops.
View moreAfter harvesting the leaves will be stored at low temperatures, before a thorough drying period and blending and packaging for distribution.
View moreIt is believed that regular green tea drinkers are at a lower risk of developing heart disease and certain types of cancer.
View moreFirst of all, let's look at what stock is.
View moreThe company sells these shares of stock at a certain price;
View moreMales can grow to at least 6 feet (1.8 metres) long (body length) and weigh about 500 lb (230 kg).
View moreHo Chi Minh, who was both the prime minister and the president of Vietnam at different times, called Halong Bay 'the wonder that one cannot impart to others'.
View moreHere we're going to look at some following delicious facts about chocolate.
View moreWinston Churchill at one point was in danger of a Nazi assassination by an exploding bar of chocolate.
View moreThe world's most valuable chocolate bar is a 100-year-old Cadbury's bar, it sold for $687 at auction in 2001.
View moreDoughnuts are sold at doughnut shops, bakeries, or grocery stores.
View moreCake doughnuts are fried for about 90 seconds at about 190 °C to 198 °C, turning once.
View moreYeast-raised doughnuts absorb more oil because they take longer to fry, about 150 seconds, at 182 °C to 190 °C.
View moreHere we're going to look at some of the world's most expensive foods, obviously, this doesn't list every type of food by any means but I've chosen some of the world's favorites and those that are most common.
View moreApparently, for the steak at least, it's due to the very small numbers of hanging aged Wagyu ribs and the very low-stress levels the cattle are put through both during slaughter, with a specially designed abattoir, and during rearing.
View moreThere are, however budget versions offering Wagyu beef burgers at $4.40 for a pack of 2.
View moreCivet coffee or Kopi Luwak is a type of coffee derived from coffee cherries that have already passed through the South Asian palm civet or Civet cat's digestion system and a quick search puts the price at about $75 per 9-ounce packs.
View moreThe Chocopologie is a $250 dark chocolate truffle, with black truffle at its heart.
View moreSome islands, including Ireland and New Zealand, do not have snakes at all.
View moreThere are also regulations on what types of swimsuits, caps, jewelry and injury tape that are allowed at competitions.
View moreThe central component of the company-the Bloomberg terminal, which provides real-time market data and analytics - was already in place at the founding.
View moreCentral to the company is the Professional Services wing, which at some points in Bloomberg's history has accounted for close to 90% of its yearly revenue.
View moreRarely has it been the legacy company facing off against young and nimble competitors, at least not until the advent of Symphony, the Alphabet Inc.backed company that threatened to eat into Bloomberg's large profits.
View moreLet's take a look at all you need to know about earthquakes and fill your brain with knowledge!
View moreAt fault lines the rocks are sliding past each other and will eventually cause a crack in the Earth's surface.
View moreFor children and those young at heart, visit Orlando and roam through the Disneyworld parks.
View moreFans of sports can visit the race track at Daytona Beach while getting some sea and sunshine at the same time.
View morePalau is a small island located southeast of the Philippines, you will find deep blue waters and bright blue skies at this gorgeous destination.
View moreRelax in style with a glass of champagne at one of the many luxurious spas, and don't forget to try out the local cuisine.
View moreHere we're going to look at the 5 most expensive street-legal production cars.
View moreFirst shown off at the Geneva Motor show 2016, with all 20 units sold.
View moreThe BC has a range of newer modifications than its older brother including new side skirts and a huge rear spoiler producing 1,102 lbs of downforce, at 155 mph.
View moreThe 254 Mph Mansory Vivere edition comes from the wonderful bunch at Mansory.
View moreUnsurprisingly the legendary black and yellow bull has to make an appearance on this list and it does at number 2.
View moreThe most expensive cheesecake sold for $4,592.42 (£3,496.44;3,955.57€) and was made by chef Raffaele Ronca (USA) at Ristorante Rafele in New York, NY, USA on October 30, 2017.
View moreThere are companies that inspire us here at Charlotte Fractional CMOs.
View moreThey are at the center of a network of 150 of the world's leading technology companies.
View moreNo matter how complicated a task or problem at hand, first, they take a proposed framework of what the solution looks like.
View more